2024/2025 TUESDAY Homeschool Enrichment
8:00AM - 3:15PM
Service Description
2024/2025 Monday - Friday (8:00-3:15) $165 per month for each day enrolled 1 day a week (only offered on "Friendship Fridays"): $165 per month 2 days a week: $330 per month 3 days a week: $495 per month 4 days a week: $660 per month 5 days a week: $825 per month Non-refundable Enrollment Fee: $50/day enrolling due at time of registration Aftercare offered 5 days per week (3:15-5:30) $100/week/family May opt out of the months of July and August with written notice to info@sumonecares.com by April 15, 2025. 10% Sibling Discount for multiple learners enrolled!
40 spots left
Cancellation Policy
We reserve the right to deny enrollment based on ability of SumOneCares to meet individual needs. Full refund granted for any enrollment denied based on accommodations needed. Tuition is broken down monthly, based on the number of days enrolled ($165 per month for each day), and is due by the 25th of each month PRIOR to attending. PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT PRORATE TUITION DUE TO CLOSURES OR END OF YEAR; we take the amount of tuition and divide it by the number of months our program runs to provide equal payments each month. SumOneCares isn't able to guarantee a learner's spot should tuition go unpaid. Families may OPT OUT of July and August months to avoid being charged as long as notice is given NO LATER THAN APRIL 15, 2025 by emailing info@sumonecares.com. *Payments made through grant will be invoiced at the end of each month. 10% sibling discount on tuition when registering multiple learners! Cancellation of services: Please note, cancellation of services must occur by the 15th of the month prior to canceling enrollment by emailing info@sumonecares.com. If cancellation request is not given, recurring payments will continue. Late Payment Fees: SumOneCares reserves the right to charge a 5% late fee for any tuition not remitted by the 25th of the month due.
Contact Details
5564 Indian River Rd, Virginia Beach, VA 23464, USA